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Startup Lumicell Revolutionizes Breast Cancer Surgery with Real-Time Tissue Imaging


A new technology developed by the startup Lumicell, an MIT spinout, is providing surgeons with a real-time, in-depth view of breast cancer tissue during surgery, enhancing the precision and effectiveness of breast cancer procedures.

 By using a handheld scanner in combination with an optical imaging agent, the device allows surgeons to immediately visualize residual cancer cells in the surgical cavity, ensuring more complete tumor removal. This innovation helps minimize the likelihood of leaving behind cancerous tissue, which could otherwise lead to follow-up surgeries.

The technology integrates advanced imaging techniques with AI algorithms, enabling surgeons to assess tumor margins in real-time, as opposed to the current standard where pathology results take days. With this immediate feedback, surgeons can make more informed decisions during the operation, potentially reducing recurrence rates and improving patient outcomes.

 If widely adopted, Lumicell's approach could transform the standard of care by making surgeries more targeted, reducing the need for repeat procedures, and improving recovery times. The FDA's recent approval of Lumicell’s technology marks a significant step forward in personalized and precise cancer care​

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