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New Study Challenges Traditional Theories on How Migratory Birds Navigate

A study led by Dr. Richard Holland from Bangor University has redefined how migratory birds, like the Eurasian reed warbler, navigate long distances.

While scientists have long believed that birds rely heavily on Earth's magnetic field for navigation, emerging evidence suggests that their methods may be far more complex and multifaceted.

New findings indicate that migratory birds likely combine magnetic sensing with visual cues, star patterns, and even olfactory signals to guide their journeys. This integrated approach may help explain their remarkable precision in reaching specific locations thousands of miles away.

The research also raises intriguing questions about how environmental changes, such as magnetic field disruptions and light pollution, might impact these navigation systems. As scientists continue to unravel the mysteries of bird migration, this new understanding could have important implications for conservation efforts aimed at protecting these incredible traveler.

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