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Some fatty acids protect against diabetes

Researchers have identified a new class of fatty acids produced by the human body that has a protective effect against diabetes. The discovery could lead to new treatments.

The authors of an article published in the journal Cell found that giving new lipid laboratory mice genetically altered so that they develop the equivalent of adult onset diabetes (type 2) human, they showed a reduction of their high level of blood sugar. The researchers determined that parallel those with very low levels of these fatty acids had an inverse risk of diabetes. They also discovered that such high lipid was resistant diabetes in mice.

All this suggests that such lipids could be used for therapy against diabetes, say scientists who conducted the study, a team from the Salk Institute in La Jolia California and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) in Boston (Massachusetts).

Lipid FAHFA benefactors

"High levels of these lipids appear to be associated with beneficial effects in mice as in humans," notes Dr. Barbara Kahn, vice president of the Faculty of Medicine at BIDMC, and lead author of the study. "Based on their biology, these lipids can be added to the small list of good fats," says another contributor, Alan Saghatelian, Professor of Biology at the Salk Institute. "These fatty acids are amazing because they can also reduce inflammation, which suggests that in addition to diabetes, we may find opportunities to use these molecules to combat chronic inflammation such as Crohn's disease or arthritis," he added.

The lipids present in blood as bad cholesterol are excess associated with cardiovascular disease. In recent years, researchers have shown that certain lipids were contrary to good health, such as omega-3 that can be found in oily fish and some vegetable oils.

This new class of lipids (FAHFA) had not previously been identified in cells and tissues because their concentrations are very low, which makes them difficult to detect, the researchers said. "This research may indicate that changes in lipid levels FAHFA, hitherto unknown, play a role in the onset of diabetes" ad Saghatelian. "We hope that this discovery will enable the development of new therapies to boost the capacity of the human body to control blood sugar," he adds.

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