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Cancer: EBC-46, derived from a rare plant is effective against solid tumors

A molecule extracted from the seed of an Australian plant is effective against solid tumors, it regresses in a few hours, it seems, without causing side effects. After several years of animal testing, preclinical trials on mice were positive. Clinical studies on humans have just been authorized.

Conducted by an Australian pharmaceutical company, Q-Biotics, studies have shown anti-tumor activity of a molecule called EBC-46, derived from the seeds of euphorbia, Hylandia dockrillii the blushwood berry that grows only northern Queensland, Atherton Tablelands in. These tests were first carried out on dogs, cats and horses. Tests were also conducted in Tasmanian devils, carnivorous canine appearance and whose populations were decimated by an epidemic of cancer of the face marsupials.

The molecule has shown efficacy when applied to the surface of the tumor and especially inside injection. It causes tissue necrosis and destruction of the blood vessels. According to Q-Biotics, it would be operative against a wide variety of cancers: prostate, breast, lung, or melanoma and tumors in the neck. His administration could then replace chemotherapy.

Preclinical studies have recently been performed by an independent institution, the Institute of Medical Research QIMR Berghofer. The team chose an animal model of cancer, in this case the mouse. The findings, published in the journal Plos One, seem pretty amazing. The drug works by activating protein kinase C, as does a known product, the phorbol ester PMA. It is the speed and efficiency of EBC-46 seem larger. The regression of the tumor is sustainable "in 70% of cases" reported Glen Boyle, one of the authors of the study in a statement from the institute. The effect, especially, is fast. "In most cases, a single injection will cause the death of tumor cells in four hours. "For a chemotherapy regimen is to be measured in weeks the effect. Moreover, according to Q-Biotics, there would be no side effects here.

The next step will be clinical trials in humans as they have been approved by Australian health authorities. However, the institute underlines that QIMR Berghofer EBC-46 acts only on tumors with which this molecule is in direct contact. They must therefore be visible to be treated in this manner. Melanomas or neck tumors, for example, would be a good target. Furthermore, this mode of action precludes using such treatment against metastasis. If the efficiency of the EBC-46 is proven, we must learn to synthesize, or to grow across this rare plant ...

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