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Stephen Hawking supports the Intel Connected Wheelchair Project

Stephen Hawking has not yet gone into space as he dreams of doing in recent years. Meanwhile, advances in technology are helping to somewhat level the progress of his disease. It has just been the spokesman of a proposed wheelchair connected, developed by Intel to improve the lives of disabled people.

Stephen Hawking likes to remind regularly for a couple of tricks that is still alive and kicking. Until recently, it spread somewhat cryptic seeming to question the existence of black holes statements. One reason probably grow Hawking to stay in front of the stage, allowing you to sell your books, is that his condition is very disabling and require constant and expensive care. However, it is probably more financially secure since receiving an award from the Foundation Milner worth $ 3 million.

It would be a mistake to believe Hawking lives for his passion for theoretical physics and cosmology. He is involved in several causes, including the disabled, on multiple occasions. Recently, even YouTube has been indirectly involved with their children in ALS Ice Challenge (Challenge bucket of ice water), whose purpose is to recruit funds for the fight against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's disease, which suffered with others.

The physicist has just sensation by appearing in a video of the Intel Corporation, the company co-founded in 1968 by the famous Gordon Moore and is the world's largest maker of semiconductors. In fact, the master of general relativity for over ten years working with Intel on technological solutions to disability.

Indeed, already in 1997, Intel had provided Hawking a system that allowed him to communicate with a computer. Today it is a wheelchair strapped with connected electronics and sensors.

There is not yet a system able to read the thoughts of Stephen Hawking to allow them to express directly. This chair driver actually does not, even though in France a wheelchair controlled by thought, was carried out in the prototype stage, by engineering students of the school Sudria Esme. But he is able to monitor the health of a person with disabilities by measuring temperature, heart rate and blood pressure.

The chair can also allow a user to locate and identify accessible sites in proximity to the disabled. As explained by the researcher in the video presentation of the prototype connected to Intel chair: "Medicine can not cure me, so I'll leave it to technology Technology allows me to interact with the world, which allows me to move and it is. thanks to her that I can say right now. simply allows me to live. "Probably anticipating advances in neuroscience and connected computers, Hawking also asks developers to help push a new step concept of Intel for the benefit of all people with disabilities in wheelchairs.

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