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Psilocybin contained in some hallucinogenic mushrooms could help smokers kick the habit

Psilocybin contained in some hallucinogenic mushrooms could help long-term smokers to quit. This is the result of a small pilot study that got 80% success rate on a sample of 15 smokers.
In the years 1950-1970, research has focused on the use of hallucinogens to treat drug addiction (alcohol, opioids). This promising field of study had been abandoned due to the controversies surrounding the use of these products. In 2012, work has been suggested that treatment with LSD could help with alcohol withdrawal. A recent article in the Journal of Psychopharmacology shows the results of research conducted at Johns Hopkins (Baltimore) based on the use of an active ingredient in magic mushrooms, psilocybin, smoking cessation.

In their study, the researchers recruited 10 men and five healthy women. On average, those who smoked 19 cigarettes per day and smoking are spread over a period of 31 years. All participants had tried several times to quit smoking without success. The first dose of psilocybin was administered as a pill each participant the day he decided to resign; There was a moderate dose of 20 mg / kg 70 The highest dose (30 mg / 70 kg) were given at two weeks and after 8 weeks. If desired, participants may receive only moderate doses in the last two sessions. The clinical approach also included a behavioral therapy.

During each session lasts 6-7 hours, participants who could listen to music and had to rest, were followed by members of the research staff. After 6 months, 12 of 15 participants quit smoking. From a biological point of view, the exact mechanism of action is not known psilocybin. But it is assumed that the molecule helps to break the flow of thoughts and addictive behaviors that are rooted in individuals who smoked for years.

Psilocybin seems more effective than anti-smoking treatments

The success rate in this experiment was 80% after 6 months, much better than existing therapies (if not taken into account the small sample size). Therefore, varenicline (Champix) would give about 35% success, so it is considered the most effective medication for smoking cessation. According to Matthew Johnson, author of the study, other therapies - Nicotine replacement and behavioral therapy - have success rates below 30%.

Treatment with psilocybin led to side effects such as increased blood pressure, headaches and anxiety. However, according to researchers, it was possible to manage these side effects with an appropriate medical response. Moreover, medications for smoking cessation (bupropion, varenicline), taken daily, can cause nausea or insomnia.

Under the terms of the article should not be seen in these results an incentive to take psychedelic drugs to quit. However, one can imagine that psilocybin based medicine only day administered as part of a smoking cessation program also involves behavioral therapy. This study involved a small number of participants, which must still be cautious before extrapolating the results.

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