Ebola: French researchers will soon launch a clinical trial in Guinea.
A team of French researchers (Inserm and Institut Pasteur) and Guinea will launch a clinical trial of an experimental molecule Guinea supposed to stop the replication of Ebola virus. Following authorization Friday, September 5 by WHO (World Health Organization), "before we orienterions molecule developed by the Japanese," says Bernadette Murgue, deputy director of the Institute of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in Paris. The favipiravir has gone through a phase 3 against resistant to other antiviral flu treatments. It is even already approved in Japan for this indication.
However, "it is still very preliminary," he warns. If the trial is sure to be carried out in Guinea, "we can not give much more information." The only certainty, "although implementation is done in a tighter time than usual, this trial will be conducted in accordance with the rules of good conduct." That's why "we can not reasonably imagine launched before November 2014, he said. Every ethical and regulatory approvals will be obtained and the protocol must pass the ethics committee of Guinea."
"If all goes well, the first preliminary results could be achieved in late March and early April, said Dr. Murgue. Unless promising results immediately or it is not seen very good." Anyway, "if the finest results you want, it takes a little time. "
Safe to say that the French clinical trial protocol, certain aspects seem to be defined. Orally, treatment will follow the same dose as influenza. Patients included not more than fifty years, will certainly adult in the early phase of the disease.
More clinical trials are to be implemented in the coming months and 2 molecules 8 vaccines in countries affected by the epidemic of Ebola. WHO has actually given the green light for clinical evaluations of these experimental treatments. However, did not allow the compassionate use.
"Only the use of convalescent plasma was given to the countries concerned, says Bernadette Murgue. It is to transfuse a patient with the blood of a patient cured, which therefore contains a potentially medium levels greater neutralizing antibodies." done in a therapeutic purpose, this technique can limit replication of the virus. "In any case, this was done in 1995 in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), during another epidemic, she says. An article was published in 1999 after showing encouraging results."
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