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A biobatterie recharged through sweat

If lactic acid is the enemy of athletes, it also has advantages. Researchers at the University of California at San Diego have created a biobatterie powered by body sweat. It is based on a printed form of a temporary tattoo that can extract electrons from lactic acid sensor to produce an electric current. Ultimately, this system could power small electronic devices.

Exercise to maintain your health is a great habit. In the future, this could be even more beneficial ... Researchers at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) have actually developed a printed form of a temporary tattoo that can produce energy sensor lactic acid in sweat . They simply present their work at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society. This biobatterie runs through the lactic acid produced by the human body during exercise. Athletes who are tattooed as they could be sent to your biometric sensor (heart rate, pedometer, etc.), smart clothes and perhaps even electronic devices such as smartphones. Originally, the UCSD researchers have developed this lactic acid sensor to help athletes manage their training sessions. The electric current produced during exercise was measured and this is by detecting changes of this current was possible to monitor the levels of this acid and adjust the intensity of effort. So scientists developed this tool to create a biobatterie. In the sensor, the anode contains an enzyme which will extract electrons from lactic acid and an anode containing a molecule which accepts these electrons. The assembly is capable of producing an electric current of low intensity.

Casual athletes produce more energy
To test biobatterie, the UCSD team has used 15 volunteers who have set the tattoo on his arm. Candidates were then conducted a training session on a stationary bike. Researchers found that people least able produce more energy than those who practiced regular physical activity (one to three times per week). Most make practicing more than three times a week produced the least amount of energy. The explanation for this phenomenon is that a least fit occurs fatigue lactic acid production more quickly and therewith. The maximum power produced is 70 microwatts per square centimeter of skin. But as electrodes biobatterie only 2 x 3 mm and 4 currently produce only microwatts. However, the researchers believe they can increase their ability to reach ten microwatts. In a demonstration video posted on YouTube, they announced that their technology could one day be used to power a sports heartbeat sensor, a clock or other connected objects, or even a smartphone.

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