Successful launch Galileo satellites but on the wrong orbit!

The two Galileo satellites launched into the wrong orbit were built by the German company OHB. They boarded a payload provided by SSTL (Surrey Satelite Technology Ltd, UK), a subsidiary of Airbus Area. © Esa, J. Huart
The champagne was a bit early lead, Friday, Aug. 22. A successful launch does not necessarily mean a total mission success. This is what unfortunately happened with the first two operational satellites in the Galileo constellation (the European GPS). Indeed, after taking off on time, the Russian Soyuz, which was to bring the two Galileo satellites on orbit after a mission to 3 h 47 min thus missed its target. This announcement was made by Arianespace, responsible for the launch on behalf of the European Space Agency (ESA), a few hours after welcomed the successful storing of satellites. Meanwhile, additional observations collected after their separations revealed a gap between the orbit and reached the initial target.
The Fregat upper stage involved
This is obviously bad news may delay several quarters full deployment of the constellation and the first several months with reduced quality services provided in the course of a 2015 episode of the program in addition to insider early 2000s However, this is not the first time that the satellites are inserted in the wrong orbit and a solution could be found to avoid losing them as was the case, for example, Yamal-402.
Based on preliminary analyzes, an abnormality may have occurred during the flight phase of the Fregat stage, leading to an injection of satellites in orbit improper. That referred to was circular, inclined at 55 degrees and with a semi-major axis of 29,900 km. The orbit is reached, in turn, is elliptical with an eccentricity of 0.23, a semimajor axis of 26,200 km and inclination of 49.8 degrees.
Rescue mission
Now that the position of the satellites we know, the European Space Agency has two options available to it. Or it may decide to use their engines to get them on the right orbit, that results in a shorter lifespan, or it looks it is possible to use the elliptical gradient from their position mode.
Arianespace side, we want to understand what went wrong on the Fregat. Today, it mandates, in association with ESA and the European Commission, an independent investigation to determine the precise causes of this anomaly in order to draw all the consequences and remedial actions for a return to flight safely soon the Soyuz launcher from the Guiana space Center.
Once operational, the Galileo constellation will provide services incommensurate with the American GPS. Several levels are offered, ranging from open to restricted access. For this, the satellites each emit ten different signals: six are planned for civilian applications, both for commercial applications and two for state services.
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