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Hurricane Marie Could Swallow Smaller Storm Karina

Space Images show the enormous hurricane Marie is about to swallow another small storm in the Pacific coast of Mexico.

Recently released NASA photos show severe storms and small swirls together. The images were taken by (NOAA) Earth Observation of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's GOES-West satellite yesterday (August 26) at 8 pm EDT (17:00 PDT).

Karina, but maybe not for an hour of substantial snack Marie devours. With winds decreased to 30 mph (48 km / h), Karina weakened by a tropical depression in a low-pressure system is the last night, having traveled across the Pacific for two weeks, the National Hurricane Center (NHC ) announced.

Mary, meanwhile, is already sending strong waves off the coast of California. As large as 15 feet (4.6 meters) Swells hit beaches around Los Angeles yesterday, a surfer was pronounced dead in Malibu after being removed from the choppy waters, according to the Los Angeles Times. Hurricane Marie surf conditions are likely to produce common and deadly areas in southern California and Baja California in Mexico until tomorrow (August 28), according to the NHC.

Marie is currently about 810 miles (1300 km) west of the southern tip of Baja California. It is expected that storm with winds up to 85 mph (140 km / h), but to weaken as it moves over cooler waters in the coming days, the NHC said in its latest update officials.

NOAA GOES satellites are geostationary, meaning that stands in the same spot above the Earth all the time, orbiting in tandem with the planet's rotation. Satellites captured images of clouds that are used by the National Weather Service NOAA to track storms. The GOES-West satellite provides coverage for much of western North America and the Pacific.

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