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3D Grid "tornadoes" Mysterious Quantum Revealed in liquid helium

 new experience at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory revealed a 3D "quantum tornadoes" inside microscopic droplets of supercooled liquid helium, allowing scientists to see a demonstration of the first macroscopic quantum world wide grid.
Menlo Park, California - The experience of the Department of Energy SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory revealed a "tornado" 3D quantum well organized into microscopic droplets of supercooled liquid helium grid - the first time this training has been seen on a small scale.

The findings of an international team of researchers offer a new perspective on the characteristics of the stranger Nanoscale called "superfluid" state liquid helium. When cooled to the point, liquid helium behaves according to the rules of quantum mechanics as applied to the subject in the smallest scales and defy the laws of classical physics. The superfluid state is one of the few examples of large-scale quantum behavior makes the behavior easier to see and study.

The results, which are detailed in the August 22 edition of Science, could help shed light on similar quantum states, such as superconducting materials that conduct electricity with an efficiency of 100 percent or collective foreign particles, Bose -Einstein bent, acting as a single unit.

"What we found in this experiment was really surprising., Not expecting the beauty and clarity of the results," said Christoph Bostedt, co-leader of the experience and senior researcher at the Linac coherent light source SLAC (of LCLS) the DOE Office of Science Ease of use where the experiment was conducted.

"We saw a demonstration of the quantum world to the macroscopic scale," said Ken Ferguson, a doctoral student at Stanford University working at LCLS.

Although small tornadoes had seen before in the cooled helium, not seen in these droplets, which were packed 100,000 times denser than at any previous experience superfluids, Ferguson said.

Studying the Quantum Traits of a Superfluid

Helium can be cooled to the point where it becomes a friction material which remains liquid and below the freezing point of most of the fluids. Atoms attract slight oscillation are endless - a quantum state of perpetual motion that prevents them from freezing. The unique properties of superfluid helium, which have been the subject of several Nobel Prize, let you upload and cover the sides of a container, and filtered through the holes of the molecule on the scale that would have occurred in the same liquid at temperatures higher.

In experiment LCLS, researchers jets fine droplets stream helium chain nanometric grains in vacuum. Each drop became a tower while flying in an airplane, turning up to 2 million times per second, and cooled at a cooler temperature than outer space. The X-ray laser took pictures of individual droplets, indicating dozens of small tornadoes, called "quantum swirls" with vortex cores that are the width of an atom.

The rapid rotation of chilled helium nanodroplets caused a dense pattern evenly spaced 3-D to form vortices. This exotic formation that resembles the ordered crystalline structure of a solid and demonstrates the quantum state of the droplets is very different from the solitary vortex formed in an ordinary liquid such as coffee cup vigorously stirred.

More Surprises in Store

The researchers also discovered some surprising ways superfluid droplets. In a normal liquid, droplets can form shapes peanut during rapid rotation, but the superfluid droplets took a very different way. About 1 percent of these forms unexpectedly wheel shaped and reaches a rotation speed never observed in conventional counterparts.

Oliver Gessner, a senior scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley and co-leader in the experiment, Laboratory said: "Now we've shown that we can detect and characterize qualitative shift in helium nanodroplets, it is important to understand its origin and, ultimately, trying to control. "

Andrey Vilesov University of Southern California, the third co-leader of the experiment, added: "The experience exceeded our expectations achieving best evidence of vortices, their configurations in the droplets and form droplets rotation LCLS has been possible with images.".

He said LCL data analysis should provide more detailed information on the shape and arrangement of vortices information: "Sure there will be more surprises to come."

Other contributors to the research were the Stanford PULSE Institute; University of California, Berkeley; Max Planck Society; Center for Free Electron Laser Science at DESY; PNSensor GmbH; Chinese University of Hong Kong; and Kansas State University. This work was funded by the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy Office of Science of the United States and the Max Planck Society.

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